New Moon Hot Stone Sound Bath & Flow
With Alana and Terrell
Service Description
New Moons are a time to reflect and explore your inner landscape, to find out what is in authenticity with your heart, to let yourself rest and dream. As we welcome winter and the dark time of year, it represents death before the enviable rebirth spring brings. The clearer you can get on your desires and dreams during this time, the more power and energy will propel you forward in the spring. Living in connection with the wheel of the year creates harmony and a relationship with your environment—in turn cultivating a grounded nervous system. Experience intentional movement to release anything stuck in the physical body before relaxing into a sound bath consisting of a collection of brass and crystal singing bowls as well as the grand first appearance of a giant gong. The vibrations felt during a sound bath help to align chakras and bring a deep felt sense of peace. Hot stones collected from the California coast will be applied to further move stuck energy and allow you to completely relax. Opening -Journal ritual to welcome winter -Breath work Creative Core Flow guided by Terrell Guided by Alana -Revisit intention -Return to breath -Gong Sound bath -Hot stones -Closing ritual: What is dying and falling away? What is no longer in alignment with your truth? Write it down and leave it behind.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
OMNI Studio class bookings can be canceled without charge 3hrs prior to class, and 8hrs prior to aerial classes. Guest may Reschedule their booking 1 hr prior to class. Any cancelation after these thresholds will be considered a charged visit.
Contact Details
1029 Takela Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
+1+United States 5304949268